For Readings & Additional Services: -
Enquire email
Pay For All Services Through This Link #click
or visit for donation buttons and large webstore
Reading Healing & Protection - ENERGY SHIFT 3 in 1
(A written/ chat) Reading,
in these difficult times
You or a loved one can receive a
Powerful Healing & Energy BOOST!
The energy generally starts to work as soon as you book.
What do you WANT to happen?
Are you ready to receive a major breakthrough?
Feeling stuck?
Then Desired Outcome is FOR YOU.
Are you feeling, frustrated and stuck? In this package I work with you over time to sort through your intentions, visions and goals. I bring your energy into alignment with your deepest desires and wishes, and fully facilitate you in the reaching of your goal.
DO you WANT and need a bit more hope, magic and RESOLUTION to show up in your life?
This service is called *DESIRED OUTCOME* because it engages with your DESIRES and what you WISH TO HAPPEN. Desired Outcome is for those who have faith. Do you have the BELIEF that you deserve good things to happen to you? I work closely with prayer and guidance using different techniques tailor-made to your unique situation. This service can be modified in some circumstances to include loved ones, family member and partners... please enquire on booking if you want the service to have a broader application. This service covers all areas of your life, you can choose re love, finances, location, a legal matter. ANYTHING at all.
REBOOT ~ Powerful Energy Reset Service
Are you feeling lethargic, drained, always tired, depressed or struggling with 101 aches and pains along with intense headaches? Many of these are *ascension* type symptoms which we are all coping with and processing at the moment.
Planet Earth is being bombarded with energies which are upgrading and rebooting our systems at a relentless pace. I can HELP you integrate these energies. I can help energise and ground you and make you feel alive and dynamic once again
Work with me over a few weeks for a complete system reset and you will come out the other side feeling lighter and brighter and more ready to cope. Not only that, we will work together to boost your abundance factor and reset your ability to attract good things into your life.
This service is available as a one off energy boost AND a package.
Use the donation button on the home page for the one off energy reset at a cost of $555 Pay through pay pal using email
Pet Healing
Pet Healing ~ Does your pet need healing? If so I can help. I get powerful results from both hands on and distant healing. If your beloved animal is in trouble send a photograph and the pet's name and I will help. Whatever the condition I can help accelerate healing and more than likely bring about a full recovery.
Certainly I can bring peace and healing to the situation that troubles you. I can also simply boost your pet's health and general well being with this service.
Email your picture and the details of the condition to me. If you have the date of birth of the animal that is good too. But it is not essential.
Pain Relief Service
Ease your Pain. This service brings a quick hit on any pain you are experiencing. This can be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual pain. This is a targetted healing service which goes straight to the root of the problem and lifts the pain you are feeling up up and away in super quick time.
Generally results are pretty instant, though in some persistent cases you could take a couple of days to fully feel the benefits.
This service is generally a distance healing service, though in some cases I can arrange to meet the person. This is NOT necessary for a powerful result. People do not always believe absent healing is even possible. I assure you that it IS and that I have had some amazing results with it over time.
If possible send a picture, but certainly send your date of birth. You can also purchase this service for a loved one or someone you want to help.
Powerful Absent Healing Service
A Special Healing Service
Are you or a loved one facing an illness? Injury? Always tired and exhausted? Weakened immune system? Weakened body or soul? I offer a fast immediate powerful and loving healing service. I consult with you regarding your struggle and then send to you in several different ways many different healing energies to help you, strengthen you, and protect you. If you want to halt the progress of something; facilitate a loved one with a health issue, or access peace of mind and inner stability; then consider my current deal for yourself or a loved one. I provide energetic support right away; allowing for a great shift in your health and well being. This service will bring you and your loved ones a wonderful miraculous result ~ Guaranteed! This service works from distance and I can help you wherever you are in the world, though your date of birth and a picture would be useful if possible. (not essential though I DO need a first name)
*KARMIC KRUNCH* ~ Shift your Life to a Better Place
Need release from a KARMIC KRUNCH?
Are you in a situation where you feel stuck, or conditions remain unfavourable and unresolved?. If so, more than likely you are in a KARMIC RUT which needs an energetic breakthrough and lift. You may well also be suffering from a core soul wound which whatever you do does not heal.
Do your situations and emotional patterns keep playing on a loop and you feel frustrated like there is no way forward? Then THIS service is for you. This Karmic Krunch service is a bit like boot camp for spiritual warriors (and worriers). It is related but different to my service *DESIRED OUTCOME*, which you may want to book simultaneously. (Usually these two go together for a negotiated price).
This service is based on TRUST and appeals largely to spiritual people who *get* what it is about. But it really is for EVERYBODY, as long as you are open to what may develop and come from what will inevitably be a QUANTUM LEAP in your life and circumstances. The question is do you dare?
Karmic Krunch involves an energetic connection with me for a number of weeks, with interactive emails, healing and consultation throughout the time frame. You must be committed to the ride and committed to YOU and your process throughout this time. Willingness to tune in and listen is crucial and respect for the way energies works also helps. This is a SOULFUL Service and ego must pretty much be parked at the door for it to succeed. Needless to say *stuff* comes up to clear during the process, and I am here to support you throughout the before, during and after the journey.....
The only requirement I have is that my clients surrender fully to the process; following all guidance, recommendations and instructions as they arise. This process is what guarantees the outcome for you. Prepare to suspend judgement and engage with the Mermaid Magic.
<3 *TWIN FLAME service* ~ Find your other half! <3
IS it TIME to invest FULLY in LOVE?
So many people are looking for LOVE and to make that special and lasting connection NOW. This wonderful, magical service connects you FULLY to the vibration and energy required to finally reel in and/or keep your special loved one.
Many of us know who our Soul Mates are. But do we recognize our other half? Our Twin Flame?
This is a new concept to many of you I am sure. But as time marches onwards at an increasing pace, and your opportunity for growth and spiritual evolution expands, it is time to get ready for the ride of your life. Your Twin Flame ~ True Soul Mate ~ awaits. Each of us has between 6 to 12 Soul Mates ranging from siblings to spouses to teachers to lovers to friends. Our Soul Mates in this life are the people who support us and whom we are closely connected with. They probably have a lot in common with us and are always there for us, understanding, encouraging and sharing every step of the way.
Our Soul Mates feel familiar to us and this is because more often than not we have had several life times together. In each life time we meet up again and replay our connections, sometimes more successfully than others. We cannot avoid our Soul Mates. Indeed our lives would be pretty empty and meaningless without them. These deep friendships and bonds are what makes life worthwhile. Together we always have the opportunity to transform ourselves and clear the karmas and controversies of previous times.
The purpose of connecting with Soul Mates is to learn, share and grow together. We would find it hard to manage without them. Yet as our spirit develops and changes sometimes we are tested with a letting go process which can be quite difficult and painful. The good news is, these trials and difficulties often pave the way for the real humdinger of a connection – our reconciliation with our Twin Flame.
*In The Blink or Wink of an EYE* ~ If you need results FAST
In the Blink or Wink of an Eye everything can change.
This is a MAGICAL service designed to set up your life changes in one fell swoop.
It involves intense work for me, and a commitment from you to sit back and watch, observe, and listen! Sounds easy? Well, it is not as easy as it sounds as many of us do have quite strict ideas about what is acceptable. Expectations are the bug bear of us all. However, TRUST me in this situation and you will be very glad you did!
I will do a short assessment reading for you at the beginning of our work together. Then you leave the rest with me. Though of course you are invited to email if you have any unusual shifts, experiences or questions. I am here to support you throughout the process. Though be aware that MAGIC happens in the STILLNESS and SILENCE of our connection. So TRUST is KEY.
I look forward to helping you. This service is an investment in your future, guaranteed to shake things up in a good way as quickly as is humanly possible. Put your safety belt on and prepare for some magical changes in a FAST pace of time.
Mother & Child
This service is a support for mother & child...............
I can help support you in your role as a mother in all it's phases and stages. If you need support, counsel or someone to look after YOU as you look after everyone else; then this is for you!
Have you or a loved one just given birth? If so, you can avail of this healing and nurturing support for all the adjustments to come.
We can work with each other if you are pregnant and need energy support, advice and guidance as you embark upon your journey to motherhood. I can also support the birthing process with healing energy. I am not promising complete pain relief for the birth. But this service can certainly go along way to help you in the throes of labour.
I can also help you if you are desperately trying to conceive, with advice on the dates and methods that will give you your optimum chance of success. This includes briefing on when and how to proceed if you have been having some difficulties. I can help and support with the IVR process, and other processes which assist conception. I provide healing, support, guidance and advice and can pinpoint the optimum times and approaches that will help you.
Mother & Child is guaranteed to help your flow in all things connected to your role as mother. It even has an application for adjustments later in life. This support can help as children flee the nest, as grandchildren come along, and with the bereavement and loss of a child also.
Whatever your concerns, physical, emotional, spiritual or cognitive, I can help you on the wonderful journey of motherhood.
There is a sliding scale of costing for this service, depending on your needs. The price quoted below is for the standard pregnancy, conception, birthing and nurturing journey. It covers, support and advice and healing if you are trying to conceive also.
If you need more comprehensive coverage email for further information and we will sort out something specifically for your needs. Please note this service is not a *spell* ~ it is a mixture of life coaching, spiritual support, emotional support, email support, energy work, homework, readings, and it is specifically shaped to the individual who makes the investment. The emphasis of the service depends on your needs and request.
DOLPHIN Depression Cure
Are you Depressed? I can offer you REAL help and excellent results with this service. I have a great record of clearing depression in clients. Sometimes quite long standing and deep depressions. So if you are in ANY way blue, or down, or melacholic or, God forbid, suicidal, please DO avail of this healing energy.
I can help you quickly, effectively and powerfully by tuning into the power of the Dolphins. Dolphins have long been recognised as great healers of depression. Their light playful energy lifts the spirits, and brings an air of peace, comfort and reassurance.
With Dolphin energy as well as some of my other healing techniques, I can put you well on the road to a full recovery. May the dark scourge of depression be forever banished from your life
God Speed ~ SAFE Travels & Protection
Get safely to your destination :-)
This service speaks for itself. Are you or a loved one going on a journey? It could be a trip across the world, a cruise, a road trip or a weekend jaunt on a train. Whatever it is this service will assist your energy levels for the duration of the journey, your time away and your return to base.
Overall this Travel Protection gets you there and back in a hassle free way. You should find your journey is less stressful overall, traffic moves steadily, weather reports are favourable and airport queues move more swiftly. This service will ensure your protection and safe arrival there and back. God Speed!
Karmic Justice & Balance Service
Has someone been mean, judgemental, bullying, ,defamatory or intimidating recently? Then do consider my service which will bring peace and karmic balance to the proceedings. This is not a retribution service, it is work done with love and compassion. But there is certainly a sense of justice to it. It is not a case that the perpetrators will *get theirs*. BUT it is a case you will be released from their projections, barbs, ill-will and targetted BS. This is more a case of return to sender ... but with LOVE, pixie bells and sparkle dust.... Find this cleansing, peaceful option for your life here. Now I know you may not wish the source of your persecutions every blessing in the world, and it can be painful to be the *victim* of such behaviour in others. The point is .. do not BE the victim. Reclaim your power with this service, and allow G-d and the universe to sort things out. This service helps to to forgive and forget and release ill will once and for all, with the assurance that the person or people involved will have to deal with a balancing of the negative energies they projected in your direction. NB) this is not a spell. It is a blessing, a protection and a cleansing service. Most importantly it is a karmic justice service.
*Do as you would be done by* is the bottom line way to function best in this world. So engage with this work with a clear conscience and your best intentions to do right by yourself and others. This might seem to be a strange way of taking responsibility for what was done TO you. But it is better to do something like this than to fester and stew in the juices of someone else's agenda or issues. Claim your freedom now ~
The Chalice Well Services ~ Glastonbury
Receive a customised individual healing at the world legendary Chalice Well in Glastonbury ~ The Chalice Well is richly connected to the mythical realm of Avalon, and links energetically to Merlin, and King Arthur. Whether you are needing a physical, emotional healing or a specific *Desired Outcome*, this service is a powerful and unique opportunity. Access your Transformational Mermaid Magic in the location where Joseph of Arimathea brought the Holy Grail to Avalon (Glastonbury). This part of the Somerset countryside is steeped in mythology, legend and history. It is where powerful ley- lines converge, and where the special Holy Waters of the Chalice Well may be found. Merlin energy swirls up on the famous Tor, and The Abbey links directly to the mythology of King Arthur and Camelot. Mystical Magic abounds in this magical place. This service will be automagically added for anyone purchasing packages and other services elsewhere on the web site, .and it is for those who need specific boosts in the areas of love, finance, career, health, or Karmic Klearings, there are increments available for 444.(I will negotiate discounts for any one purchasing more than three increments). Each place, The Tor, The Chalice Well, and The Abbey offers different energy solutions for your issue, so use your intuition to assess your needs. Allow Glastonbury and The Chalice Well to finally clear away anything which ails or troubles you, These energies can also be used to manifest something which you now need to bring into your life.
Magic Mermaid Holiday Tree Blessings for 2023
Mermaid Minkly Magical Blessings Tree 2023
Have a MAGIC Twinkly Minkly Mermaid Holiday Season.
Every Holiday Season I open up my Magic Tree -
You are invited to have your wishes, requests, prayers & "Manifestations" hidden in The Tree.
I am also taking orders for The New Year 2023
What do you wish for and desire for 2023?
#Halloween #AllSaintsday #thanksgiving #advent #christmas #hanukkah #newyear2022
Have a MAGIC Twinkly MInkly Mermaid holiday season.
You are all invited to have your wishes, requests, prayers and gifts under this tree.
Request your holiday blessings and 2023 wishes
from the magical tree.
What do you most desire at this time?
And for 2023?
This year more than ever we need to make it count.
** I can do deals on multiple elements
One year in The Barn The Magic Tree stayed alive until the end of June -Yes really!
You are welcome to leave World Wide Wishes for a small donation through the donation link on the home page
The Wishing Stone
Cast your cares upon the Wishing Stone!
This service is completely unique as it requires me to work energetically with a very distinctive magical site in Ireland.
This is a very popular service so book early to avoid disappointment. I only take on a specific amount of wishes per week to make the energy really FOCUSED for the client. The Wishing Stone on Killiney Hill is famous locally. To make a wish, you have to walk anti-clockwise around the pyarmid from bottom to top using the intermediary steps to progress up to the next level. The stones came from nearby Dalkey Quarry and they are graduated, with a small stone on top big enough for one person to stand on. You are supposed to walk around each level, progressing to the top, then stepping onto the last stone and making a wish! Appropriately close to *The Witch's Hat*, the energy of The Wishing Stone pyramid is powerful. I do not actually have to do the walk around the stone to connect with the energies. I know the area so well, that the connection is just naturally there for me. I work as guided for you and your request is sent out to the ethers yielding powerful results. Cast your cares upon this stone and allow me to work to heal and transform your situation. This service requires a very directed and focused wish. I have to be paid PER WISH as quite a bit of work is involved with each request. You can make a wish on behalf of loved ones also.
*VIP DEAL* ~ For your business deals, consults & professional needs
The Price of this Package is revealed through an email or telephone enquiry only and settled individually depending on client needs and requirements and goals --- You can pay a DEPOSIT through the donation link below or on home page ~ $8888
VIP DEALS ~ Includes full days with me (or half days as required). This is an exclusive opportunity to get one on one consultations with me, and to invest in working with me for a number of months at distance on deals, topics and goals of importance to you. NB) THE CONSULTATIONS CAN TAKE PLACE ON SKYPE ~ psychicsarah1 or on the phone. TIME ZONE DIFFERENCES ARE NOT A PROBLEM - It is is a very useful consultation service if you have high end business issues to negotiate, and can be extended for use over time if required. I have been extensively used by a number of Hollywood Actors and Business Leaders, as well as High Profile Music Moguls and Performers. I also have Professional Sports People amongst my clientele, as well as Professional Writers and TV Personalities. NB) ACCURATE Sporting Tips are on offer as a bit of fun. BUT essentially this is a serious opportunity to sort out your concerns and to experience amazing, magical healing and guidance from me. If all expenses are paid, and enough notice given, I am able to meet with you any where in the world or alternatively you can come to my location if you choose to do so. I have an excellent track record of professionalism and accuracy. You can be assured you will be getting the BEST possible advice and healing opportunity when you avail of this service. WHATEVER your concerns and field of speciality I can apply my skills and help you. Discretion is GUARANTEED and I will sign a confidentiality agreement if needs be.
The Price of this Package is by negotiation and is variable depending on your requirements over time. You can pay the deposit through the link below. Then email me to discuss a framework of *operations*.
$8888 is the Mermaid Magic which boosts your business and aligns your energy with abundance.
IN some cases this can be modified to be the full price of the package. But for long term work investments of several payments can be negotiated; depending on your needs and requirements.
This is a top VIP PREMIUM service for the most disciminating individual who desires the ABSOLUTE BEST psychic advice, readings, and healings with TOP PRIORITY VIP ACCESS to one of the world’s most renowned psychics 24/7.
You can have 12 months of UNLIMITED access to accurate guidance, predictive readings, spiritual advice, astrology, and healings, with a direct phone number to call in at any time you desire, as well as an on going supportive email service. The questions and issues we cover are unrestricted in number and content. You will have the best most accurate, unlimited psychic services at your fingertips anytime you require.
This service is perfect for anyone who demands exclusive service of the highest quality; the best that money can buy. All services are specifically tailored to your needs and schedule.
Business executives and entrepreneurs are guaranteed to find a return on their investment. The psychic and astrological advice offered enhance opportunities and profitability. But these services are of the highest value for non financial circumstances also, for those requiring healing, emotional support and life improvement.
This all inclusive service provides my full range of services in ONE premium package.
IF you are a CEO of a big company you can use this service for immediate consultations about important decisions. If you are a gambler, you can use this service for up to the minute tips. If you have a difficult medical complaint or emotional issue you can avail of this service at any time you need. This service has as many individiual applications as you can think of!
Basically this service allows you to carry me around in your pocket for a long stretch of time. And needless to say the energy connection ensures that you get magical, creative and curious breakthroughs throughout the set time frame and beyond.
This service is an investment in YOU, your company or your on going concerns.
When you have purchased this product email for further information
+353894249254 or +447535172629
Skype ~ psychicsarah1
Email or www Chat Readings
175 or 333 or 2222 or 8888
The shorter email reading is quick and easy if you have one or two specific questions you need pointed answers to. This service can be used for written guidance on a whole range of subjects as well as specific prediction requests linked to one or two issues.
The comprehensive email reading is more detailed and you can ask more questions or no questions. Either way you will receive the information you need at this particular time. I need several days to complete such a reading as it takes a lot of tuning in and thought to present the information in the correct way.
The larger payment allows for email exchanegs 24/7 for longer stretches of time as we mutually agree.
(weeks, and months depending on your need)
I generally invite an interchange when readings are complete to clear up any outstanging issues or questions once the email is received. This is done by email or chat exchange, or by a short phone session
The comprehensive email service available which can project far into your future, so like voice readings it is very comprehensive, and answers all your concerns and questions.
It does also create the energy link between us which aids manifestations.
Candle Magic - Amazing Results
This is a wonderful way to avail of
Mermaid Magic. Be careful what you wish for - these services work like a charm
I will work with your chosen request or need to bring about a speedy result for you.
You can choose more than one item below but each increment costs 222
Choose from issues such as
- Find Love
- Boost Finances
- Healing (physical, emotional, spiritual, )
- Keep and/or Heal a Relationship
- Protection (from evil, jealous people or unreasonable authority figures, or use to stop bullying)
- Enhance your Sex Life
- Expand Abundance
- Bring Adventure
- Lift Depression
- Get a job
etc - The applications of this service are endless really
Once you have chosen your request, you can email me -
(I will automatically email you or call you when I see the sale within a few hours)
We can negotiate if you are purchasing several of these and I can do a bundle rate for you
eg) 3 requests is 444,
7 requests is 777 -
A small family rate of 2 requests each is 999
A group rate requires a payment of 222 per person - but each person may make 3 requests
Pay these bundle amounts through the donation button at the top of the page
and specify the intention by email
You will be sent a picture of your candle as it is being used
so that you can better connect to the process with a visual!
Energy Shift & Healing
A good one-off investment.
You or a loved one receives a Powerful Healing & Energy Boost
Pay through pay pal using email
or use the donation button above or on home page.
The energy starts to connect and work as soon as you pay.
For further info Email
or phone +353894249254 or +447535172629 and leave message.
I will be in contact promptly after payment
Finding a Happy Medium ~
Need to contact someone in the big wide yonder?
222 or 444
Do you wish to make contact with a loved one who has passed on?
Or are you curious what your ancestors may have to say?
More seriously if you are grieving and suffering the loss of a loved one, then this service can help bring you comfort and healing, providing the information you may need to support you.
With this service I can help you find peace and reassurance about your loved ones in spirit, and we can see if they have any messages to help you in the here and now.
Send a photograph if possible of the person you wish to contact. This is not essential, a name or
date of birth will also work. Even these are not 100% necessary.
I can make the contact regardless: and it will be all you need to hear.
If you have no one in particular you wish to contact but want to see what *Spirit* may have to say,
then this service is also for you.
These readings are generally an hour long or the information can be sent by Email if that is easier.
If a more comprehensive Email written is required the price is 444
For more information
*Desired Outcome*
100% success Guaranteed
What do you WANT to happen? Are you ready to receive a major breakthrough? Feeling stuck?
Then Desired Outcome is FOR YOU. Are you feeling, frustrated and stuck? In this package I work with you over time to sort through your intentions, visions and goals. I bring your energy into alignment with your deepest desires and wishes, and fully facilitate you in the reaching of your goal.
DO you WANT and need a bit more hope, magic and RESOLUTION to show up in your life?
This service is called *DESIRED OUTCOME* because it engages with your DESIRES and what you
WISH TO HAPPEN. Desired Outcome is for those who have faith and feel wonderment
and excitement about their life and its possible futures.
Do you have the BELIEF that you deserve good things to happen to you? I work closely with prayer and
guidance using different techniques tailor-made to your unique situation.
This service can be modified in some circumstances to include loved ones, family member and partners... please enquire on booking if you want the service to have a broader application. This service covers all areas of your life,
you can choose re love, finances, location, a legal matter. ANYTHING at all.
To book all you have to do is use the email address through paypal
or use the donation button above
Be Sure, Be Assured and Mindful. And above all be responsible for what you are asking of God and of The Universe.
If you feel you need even more active *information* with this process, then the COMBO of an hour long session
with Desired Outcome may be for you.
Either way we have a converstaion to set the work up and agree on strategies.
NB) this service is an investment and you will work with me interactively for some weeks and months.
Well I do the work: YOU sit back and reap the benefits.
The only requirement I ask for is that the client surrenders fully to the process; following all guidance, recommendations and instructions as they arise. This process is what guarantees the outcome for you. Prepare to suspend judgement and engage with Mermaid Magic.
Please Email with any useful photographs, requests, dates of birth
and information you feel will assist the process once you have purchased the product.
*TWIN FLAME Service*
~ Time to Find your Soul Mate?
IS it TIME to invest FULLY in LOVE?
So many people are looking for LOVE and to make that special and lasting connection NOW.
This wonderful, magical service connects you FULLY to the vibration and energy required to finally reel in and/or keep your special loved one.
Your Twin Flame ~ True Soul Mate ~ awaits.
Our Soul Mates feel familiar to us and this is because more often than not we have had several life times together. In each life time we meet up again and replay our connections, sometimes more successfully than others. We cannot avoid our Soul Mates. Indeed our lives would be pretty empty and meaningless without them. These deep friendships and bonds are what makes life worthwhile. Together we always have the opportunity to transform ourselves and clear the karmas and controversies of previous times.
The purpose of connecting with Soul Mates is to learn, share and grow together. We would find it hard to manage without them. Yet as our spirit develops and changes sometimes we are tested with a letting go process which can be quite difficult and painful. The good news is, these trials and difficulties often pave the way for the real humdinger of a connection – our reconciliation with our Twin Flame.
The only requirement I have is that my clients surrender fully to the process; following all guidance, recommendations and instructions as they arise. This process is what guarantees the outcome for you.
Prepare to suspend judgement and engage with the Mermaid Magic.
Mother & Child
This service is a support for mother & child..............
I can help support you in your role as a mother in all it's phases and stages. If you need support, counsel or someone to look after YOU as you look after everyone else; then this is for you!
Have you or a loved one just given birth? If so, you can avail of this healing and nurturing support for all the adjustments to come.
We can work with each other if you are pregnant and need energy support, advice and guidance as you embark upon your journey to motherhood. I can also support the birthing process with healing energy. I am not promising complete pain relief for the birth. But this service can certainly go along way to help you in the throes of labour.
I can also help you if you are desperately trying to conceive, with advice on the dates and methods that will give you your optimum chance of success. This includes briefing on when and how to proceed if you have been having some difficulties. I can help and support with the IVR process, and other processes which assist conception. I provide healing, support, guidance and advice and can pinpoint the optimum times and approaches that will help you.
Mother & Child is guaranteed to help your flow in all things connected to your role as mother. It even has an application for adjustments later in life. This support can help as children flee the nest, as grandchildren come along, and with the bereavement and loss of a child also.
Whatever your concerns, physical, emotional, spiritual or cognitive, I can help you on the wonderful journey of motherhood.
There is a sliding scale of costing for this service, depending on your needs. The price quoted below is for the standard pregnancy, conception, birthing and nurturing journey. It covers, support and advice and healing if you are trying to conceive also.
If you need more comprehensive coverage email
for further information and we will sort out something specifically for your needs
Please note this service is not a *spell* ~ it is a mixture of life coaching, spiritual support, emotional support, email support, energy work, homework, readings, and it is specifically shaped to the individual who makes the investment. The emphasis of the service depends on your needs and request.
The Ultimate GIFT Basket
Here is HOW TO GET well over $8,000 OF READINGS, SESSIONS AND HEALINGS FOR ONLY $5555 ~ This special GIFT package deal includes two 60 minute sessions, four 30 minute sessions, Absent Healing DAILY for the duration of the connection, plus two 20 minute bullet point readings, Q & A Emails as required. Plus the special *Desired Outcome* service. All at mutually agreed times.You also receive a powerful healing everytime we connect.
For a total cost of $8888 you can also avail of many additional self selected options eg) Glastonbury, The Wishing Stone, Druid's Chair and Wizard's Hat services; and we can apply these to specific needs as they arise. These services involve work at powerful energy points which will boost you and bring miraculous out of the blue results. Plus the Heart Wall Removal will be included in this boost package option; for you AND loved ones as required.
...Including these additions freely over the months potentially boosts the cost of your package up to the value of at least $15,000 over the weeks and months.
We can easily negotiate other variables also.
(The sessions should ideally be used within a few months, as there is also an Ultimate World Package available for working with me for over a year -
prices by negoiation and depending on your desired results.
This is the ULTIMATE PSYCHIC GIFT package which will greatly facilitate your life journey over a few months. Or you can be super generous and buy this for a loved one. It is also possible to use some of the services for loved ones, even when you purchase the package for yourself.
Packages are open to some modification to suit your requirements as we roll through our work together.
Email for further information